Thursday, March 4, 2010

Water Feature

Product: Water Feature Built into wall
Manufacturer: Blue World USA
Product name/#: this product is so customizable that it doesn't really have a 'name'.
Product Information: This water feature is framed with multiple horizontal panels of your choice, but in this image it is finished in Powdercoated Shywhite. The recessed gold panel is crimped copper, which is enhanced with downlighting. The company recommends to leave to waterfall running (it plugs into an outlet) and only turn it off for maintenance. The only maintenance it really requires is that it needs to be drained every 3 to 4 months, and wipe the inside with a wet rag, and over time the water can cause the copper to get a hazy or cloudy film over the surface, so a water softener like Protec should be added to the water reservoir. The manufacturer doesn't offer any other specifications, but does offer the really high price tag of $45,000-$50,000!

For more information on this product and other Blue World USA products/installations and custom designs, visit:

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